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How do I join Bacchus Marsh Aero Club?
Please use the membership menu and click on the “sign up today!” button. This will guide you through the step-by-step process to become a member. The 8 step process involves agreeing to an information privacy policy, entering your general and contact details, then adding in copies of your license and medical. The remainder is setting up your login details to use the website.
What are the joining fees?
The member fees depend whether you are a flying or social member and the dollar amount is noted on the first step of the joining process, under “total”. 
Member fees cover our overheads and operating costs. 
As of May 2023, a new flying member is $125, student member $100, and a social member is $50. Fees are annual.
A further prerequisite to being able to hire aircraft is a familiarisation flight which is typically done with a Flight Instructor at the cost of approximately $60. This is separate to the normal aircraft hire rate. 
Can I hire an aircraft without being a member?
No. It is a requirement to be a financial club member. Hiring an aircraft without becoming a financial club member is not possible.
Do you offer flight training?
We are a club only for private operations, however, we have started collaboration with a handful of independent instructors. There is potential to combine some training with your initial new-member checkflight. Get in touch with us if you want to know more. 
What aircraft are available?
The club operates predominantly Cessna type models. Currently we have a Cessna 150, a 152 and two 172's.
A Cessna 182 is available although this has a 10 hours on-type requirement, before a checkflight and subsequent hire takes place. 
How do you charge?
We charge a wet-rate and tachometer, with YBSS (Bacchus Marsh) landing fees included.
This is the most economical for the hirer, as you pay for how much throttle you use, not from when you first turn the key like most rental organisations. The great thing about us is, we are all about making aviation as affordable as possible, that is our mission.
How do I book a plane?
We use a simple booking system on a phone app or through the website. Just  have a look at the calendar slots, pick a time and lock it in – simple.
Sounds good! How do I pay for a flight?
After you complete your flight and note the flight time on the logsheet, head home for the day and pay by bank transfer.
There are no cash drops, credit card swipes or having to find the office person. It’s all done in your own time, well after the flight.
The Club BSB is 633 000 and the account number is 164 843 336
Are there any requirements to begin flying the club aircraft?
Prospective club members need to have some aircraft type experience before attending the familiarisation, as we cannot conduct an impromptu "lesson" on flying Cessnas. There is an option to conduct some training with the instructor which may also double as a checkflight.
Overall, The aircraft's owner/s require an initial familiarisation flight of a new club member, which is typically done with a Flight Instructor for approximately 30 minutes and $60. 

What kind of license do I need to fly the club aircraft?
A CASA-issued Recreational, Private or Commercial Pilots License is required.
ATPL is fine too, we welcome you back to flying lighties!
Where are the aircraft kept and how do I get going?
The aircraft are positioned at YBSS (Bacchus Marsh) and are accessed by drawing the logbooks and keys from a safe spot we have set aside. A member is able to go to the aerodrome, park nearby, grab the keys and go to the aircraft. There are no restricted areas, no fences to wait behind, no display of an ASIC. Just pre-flight and go.
I’m thinking about doing some hour building, is this the right club for me?
You are more than welcome to fly the aircraft as much as you can. We appreciate those who wish to hour-build and can provide a cost-effective method to gaining those logbook hours.
I want to get some serious hours done and am thinking about taking the aircraft away for several days, is this possible?
Yes, we can support this and even negotiate a dry-rate. A long fly-away such as this can be organised through the committee and has been done before several times.
As a flying member, please contact 
I still have other questions before I join, can I reach out?
Yes, please send an email to the committee and we will get back to you.